I really wanted to revive my blog (which was hosted in Blogger), but I wanted to have more control over it, It just feels very natural for guys like me who uses vi more than GUI =)

Since Octopress docs are too long and frustrating (oh common, i just wanted a blog), I decided to dedicate few posts for it, I hope I’ll have the time to record (blog, post, whatever) all the cool things i’m gonna add to my blog in the future.

15 minutes and you have a pro blog, so there we go:

Installing Ruby


sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ruby 1.9.3


brew update
brew install rbenv
brew install ruby-build
rbenv install 1.9.3-p0
rbenv rehash

(If you don’t have brew, visit: http://mxcl.github.io/homebrew)

Installing Octopress

Now Ocotopress !

cd ~ #or wherever u want the octopress folder to be located
git clone git://github.com/imathis/octopress.git octopress
cd octipress
gem install bundler
rbenv rehash #only if using rbenv
bundle install

Thats it!

Deploying your blog in GitHub pages.

There are other alternatives, but I personally love GitHub, to deploy your blog in GitHub pages:

rake generate
rake deploy

This generates the blog site from the (default) sources, commit it via git and deploy it in the created github repo.

Thats all!

now visit: http://your_user.github.io to see your blog!

Minimal Configuration

And if we’r already here, lets quickly configure the minimal details:

vi _config.yml
title: Blog title, I put my full name.
subtitle: What are you going to blog about?
author: Your full name

rake generate rake deploy

But it looks gray and dark and missing some cool stuff, isn’t it? follow the next blog about how to customize OctoPress =)