I really wanted to revive my blog (which was hosted in Blogger), but I wanted to have more control over it, It just feels very natural for guys like me who uses vi more than GUI =)
Since Octopress docs are too long and frustrating (oh common, i just wanted a blog), I decided to dedicate few posts for it, I hope I’ll have the time to record (blog, post, whatever) all the cool things i’m gonna add to my blog in the future.
15 minutes and you have a pro blog, so there we go:
Installing Ruby
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ruby 1.9.3
brew update
brew install rbenv
brew install ruby-build
rbenv install 1.9.3-p0
rbenv rehash
(If you don’t have brew, visit: http://mxcl.github.io/homebrew)
Installing Octopress
Now Ocotopress !
cd ~ #or wherever u want the octopress folder to be located
git clone git://github.com/imathis/octopress.git octopress
cd octipress
gem install bundler
rbenv rehash #only if using rbenv
bundle install
Thats it!
Deploying your blog in GitHub pages.
There are other alternatives, but I personally love GitHub, to deploy your blog in GitHub pages:
Create a GitHub repo and name it _youruser.github.io, where _youruser is your github username, mine is asaf, so it’ll be: asaf.github.io
Lets tell Octopress about your github created repo (that’ll hold your blog):
rake setup_github_pages
When it asks for your git repo, paste: _git@github.com:your_user/youruser.github.io, for example mine is: git@github.com:asaf/asaf.github.io
Now lets deploy and see our new shiny blog!
rake generate
rake deploy
This generates the blog site from the (default) sources, commit it via git and deploy it in the created github repo.
Thats all!
now visit: http://your_user.github.io to see your blog!
Minimal Configuration
And if we’r already here, lets quickly configure the minimal details:
vi _config.yml
title: Blog title, I put my full name.
subtitle: What are you going to blog about?
author: Your full name
rake generate rake deploy
But it looks gray and dark and missing some cool stuff, isn’t it? follow the next blog about how to customize OctoPress =)